The Future of Me in PR Fields


What I want to be in the future… That’s a hard question that I can’t answer right away. Right now, I have no idea what I want to be. To be honest, as a public relations major student, I do not even know I am passionate about going into a PR field. I am just not sure. Before I wanted to be a person who works under government because I believed it’s worth working for the nation and the people: “ the greatest good for the greatest number.”

But, as I am growing up, I realized that I am not that smart enough to be a government person because I totally lacks of interests in politics, laws and international relations. Now, I guess I want to study more about business and public relations and do entertainment or corporate public relations.

I think entertainment and corporate public relations both have more potential to grow compared to other fields of public relations. The major reason I am attracted to those fields is that I at least love studying topics related to entertainments and business.


After graduating Newhouse, I hope to find a job that is related to public relations. This working experience will give me a sense whether I want to keep working in the PR fields or I want to go to graduate school to study more about media or business.  I thought working for a PR agency would be better because I can have many opportunities to meet different types of clients rather than working in a PR department at a company.



However, last summer, when I worked at Porter Novelli in Korea, I realized that working in a PR agency is not worth staying and dedicating my passion and intelligence. At that time, I did marketing and promotion for Philips Electronics, which is the Netherland’s best known electronic brand.  I helped preparing for three press conferences for launching new products. As  working under people who did not study public relations, I totally learned nothing from them and saw all the bad sides of public relations such as a hype.  It was worth working, but a bad experience for me as a public relations major student.

I hope to have an internship this summer at another PR agency or a company that has a PR department. I would like to have more valuable PR experiences and figure out how I want to set my career path. I do not know what future holds for me, but I believe one day I will finally find what I am passionate about.  Sometimes, life will give me obstacles that may seem unfair or too extreme to overcome.  I believe I will have strengths to overcome every single obstacles and find my own voice.

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